Areas of Practice


Assault charges in Texas can be filed as either a felony or misdemeanor crime.  Assaults include but are not limited to misdemeanor assaults like Assault, Assault Family Violence and Class C Misdemeanors such as Assault by Contact tickets.


A skillful DWI Lawyer may be able to help the client plea down a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) to a lesser charge like Obstruction of Passageway, possibly negotiate for probation or a probated sentence rather than jail time or, in some instances, even get a DWI charge totally dismissed.


In the State of Texas, theft is a broad charge and can cover many different offenses such as shoplifting, buying or selling stolen property, general theft or writing bad checks. Charges can be misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the circumstances of the event.


There are a wide variety of narcotics (substances or drugs that reduce pain and induce sleep) and drug crimes in the state of Texas, and depending on the circumstances surrounding the case and the crime committed the penalties for these acts can be very serious. A conviction for a drug crime in Texas can lead to consequences ranging from the inability to obtain gainful employment, to difficulty in purchasing a home or vehicle to being unable to apply for secondary education.


When a person has been charged with a sex crime, that person's reputation immediately changes. You no longer have the benefit of the doubt. Your friends, family, neighbors and employers may immediately distance themselves from you before you even have an opportunity to clear your name. If you are found guilty of the charges, your life will change forever. A strong defense is critical to your future.


The criminal justice system in Texas takes all charges seriously, but there are especially harsh penalties if you are convicted of a violent crime. Crimes such as murder carry extremely lengthy prison sentences, and you will never be able to distance yourself from these offenses if convicted. You need to fight these charges aggressively. Rebecca Lively understands what is at stake, and she works hard to make sure that your rights are protected

Wills and Trusts
